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CCEIP Benchmark Survey


Early intervention for psychosis programs (EIPP) have been implemented in Canada without national standards of care. Other countries have developed clinical guidelines, and literature highlights several elements considered as essential. Investigations in other countries have described slow implementation of services and the frequent absence of important components. The Canadian Consortium for Early Intervention in Psychosis was formed in 2012 : one of its objectives being the development of standards of care, better knowledge of Canadian practices was needed. An on-line benchmark survey was administered in 2013 to 11 academic FEP clinics in Canada. Questions covered administrative, clinical, education and research topics.




Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics: Recommendations for Clinicians


The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Volume 58 (5).

Early Intervention for Psychosis in Canada: What is the State of Affairs?


The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Volume 61 (3). 

Relapse Risk Assessment in Early Phase Psychosis: The Search for a Reliable and Valid Tool

While relapse is considered an almost inevitable event in the course of psychotic disorders, it does have enormous consequences for the patient, his/her family and society. First of all, a relapse of psychosis after a period of improvement (remission) can be extremely discouraging and demoralizing to the patient and their family. It may carry the message to the patient of a recurring and chronic illness, causing an erosion of hope for the future. During a relapse a patient is once again at risk of behaviour that may be dangerous to him or herself and towards others. Therefore, it is very desirable if a relapse can be prevented, especially during the early course of illness. The CCEIP has developed a relapse risk assessment for use by clinicians and caregivers. Please click to see the poster results and executive summary of our qualitative research which has helped inform the design of the tool.

Consortium canadien d'intervention précoce pour la psychose   |   Hamilton (Ontario)   |   905 525-8213   |


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